Welcome to e-learning!

1. Click through the health and wellness slides below at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.
2. When you are ready, take the quiz to see how you do. Click the Start Quiz button to the right.
3. Your results are confidential, but if you want to, you can email your results to both yourself and your boss/manager. Show them how you did!
4. Michigan WorkSafe does not share your email information.
This is meant to be an easy & informative quiz, feel free to use the slides while taking the quiz! Take the quiz as many times as you’d like to get a score you’re happy with. 

Start Construction Quiz Here


Michigan Injury & Occupational Safety Administration (MIOSHA)

Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Bureau of Labor & Statistics

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Centers for Disease
Control (CDC)

National Academy of Medicine

U.S. Surgeon General

British Journal of Medicine

Harvard SafeWell


 Dr. Dean Ornish

Michigan Association of Chiropractors

National Safety Council



Occup Environ Med, 2011, 53(6)

J. Occup Environ Med, 1999. 41(9)

Am. J. Health Promot. 2001. 15(4)

Arch. Intern. Med. 2007. 167(8)

Obes. Rev., 2008. 9(5)

Dr. Heidi Havvak, The Reality Check